Are Instant Hot Water Systems Valuable?

Jan 23, 2023

In a world where everything is either automated or Instant, it is no surprise that there are instant water heaters. Also known as a continuous-flow water heaters, these systems provide unlimited hot water, and you pay only for the water you consume. Furthermore, purchasing those bulky, ugly storage tanks is no longer necessary! Hot water that is instantaneous and instantly hot, an elegant installation on the wall that is tankless.

All of these sound too good to be accurate. You may even think that there’s a caveat somewhere. Ottawa Plumbing Services has experience in hot water, so we’ll inform you whether instant hot water is worth the cost.

As an expert on hot water, we’ll guide you through the advantages and disadvantages of the instant hot water system.

What Is the Process for Instant Hot Water Systems?

The main advantage of instant hot water is that it provides hot water when required. The entire tank is heated regardless of whether you use it or not. That is in contrast to an in-storage tank water heater, where the water is stored and heated until you need it.

Most instant water heaters utilize natural gas as their power source. However, electric versions are also readily available. When you switch the hot water faucet on, it triggers an electronic flow sensor. It switches on a gas or electric element. It heats the water inside an arc-shaped copper tube surrounded by an exchanger.

When the hot water faucet is running, water is heated continuously. It gets pumped out and then transferred directly to the fixture. Coldwater is then used to heat. The heating element/burner gets turned off if it gets shut off.

Using the natural gas power source is more economical and energy efficient. But, if natural gas isn’t available, electricity and instant hot water can be an alternative.

What Size Do I Need?

Unlike conventional water heaters, instant water heaters don’t have tanks! There is no specific size that can meet the requirements of your house. You should instead find the flow rate that will satisfy your water needs. Flow rate refers to the number of liters of water the system can heat and distribute per minute.

There are flow rates of between 10 and 32 liters of water per minute in most cases. When choosing the rate of flow, more is needed to take a look at the number of bathrooms or the number of people within your house. There are various additional aspects to think about:

  • How many people bathe simultaneously?
  • Do you make use of hot water for your washing machine or dishwasher?
  • Do people use showers at the same time that the washing machine or dishwasher gets utilized?
  • Are water-saving shower heads fitted in bathrooms?

Choosing the appropriate flow rate is essential to ensure that you pay what gets required. That could also lead to higher operating costs.

Another advantage to an instant hot water system is that they are compact, as they are an un-tankless wall-mounted unit. That makes them ideal for houses with small outdoor spaces or units and apartments.

Is It Safe?

Yes! Instant hot water systems are safer than storage tank heaters, in actuality.

Bacteria like Legionella can develop in water sources, causing Legionnaires illness and Pontiac fever. There is always the possibility of bacteria growing in the storage of water. For this reason, water heaters must get set to 60 degrees or higher.

When temperatures exceed 70 degrees Celsius, All Legionella get killed almost immediately. 90% of Legionella die in 2 minutes in 60c water. Thermostats can fail or get accidentally knocked over without realizing it has happened. If this happens, the storage tank in your home is in danger of developing this type of bacteria.

As the corrosive process begins, you may notice rust in the water you drink. The instant hot water system does not keep any water, so you don’t risk acquiring dangerous bacteria or having rusty water! Storage tanks also start to begin to rust with time.

How Long Will Instant Hot Water Systems Last?

We’ve observed the instant hot water system generally lasts longer than storage tank models. The standard hot water tank storage system can last anywhere from 8 and 12 years if you take care of regular maintenance.

It requires regular maintenance to maximize the performance of the water heater you have and ensure it’s running at optimum efficiency. The care will help increase the lifespan of your hot-water instant system and ensure that you don’t lose energy or water where you don’t have to.

Does Instant Hot Water Save Money?

An instant hot water system can save you money when properly installed. Although more expensive upfront, you’ll save money by paying for the hot water you consume. There’s no need to fret about the loss of heat from tanks for storage, either.

We’ve observed that the instant hot water system lasts longer than storage tanks. With the absence of the sacrificial anodes which need to be replaced often, like with storage tanks, the instant hot water is guaranteed to satisfy your budget.

You’ll not only use less energy to heat your water, but you’ll be making less carbon dioxide emissions too. Thus, your instant hot-water system will benefit your pocket and the planet.

Which Are Some Downsides of Instant Hot Water?

Instant hot water is that excellent; why can’t every house possess one? Although instant hot water offers the benefits mentioned above, there are also downsides.

Contrary to the title “instant,” hot water won’t receive hot water immediately. It’s time. There’s a time delay between turning on the tap before the water is at the specified temperature. However, you could experience additional water loss if you wait for the temperature to rise.

To heat the water, it requires a certain amount of water has to be flowing when you turn the hot water tap turned on. The combination of showerheads with low flow and the trigger flow rate being set too high could result in your shower not triggering water heating! That is easily fixed by an authorized plumber notifying them of the fixtures that may cause this.

The biggest issue with Instant hot water is its low flow rate for an entire family. Suppose the demand for hot water exceeds the capacity of the water heater. In that case, there is a possibility of lower pressure on the water. That is because it gets dispersed thinly to provide everyone with hot water. The scheduling of hot water usage so that the demand is at most the flow rate will prevent this. The storage tank hot water system could be more suitable for family members who aren’t willing to compromise their shower times.

Is an immediate hot water unit suitable for your house? Ottawa Plumbing Service, hot water systems, is the complete guide for selecting the right solution to suit your needs. We can assist you in choosing the best hot water system for your home, heat pumps, electronic water heaters, and many more.

Call our dependable Ottawa plumbers at (613) 317-1682 or email us at to install the instantaneous water heater system.

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