New Plumbing Techniques
It is important to stay up to date on new techniques and products in plumbing and other household replacement and repairs. If you understand the basics of the product or procedure, you will be better able to choose the right repair service for your needs.
Tankless Water Heaters
Instead of using a tank, the water is heated as it flows out the tap. This means an endless supply of hot water. Gone is the chance of running out of hot water as the third person to shower that morning. Tankless water heaters are shown to be more energy efficient than a traditional hot water tank. This means it is better for the environment and the homeowner gets to save money on utility costs.
Hot Water Recirculation
Very much like a tankless water heater, this is a system where the hot water continuously moves through the pipes so the water is always hot when you need it. Otherwise, our traditional system, a lot of water needs to move through the pipes and down the drain until the hot water heater works long enough to put hot water through the system.
Just like a tankless water heater, you will get hot water when you want it without waiting plus there is less wasted water going down the drain while you wait. Again, better for the environment and your pocketbook.
Smart Irrigation
For years irrigation systems have had devices that can control when the system runs and for how long. It is a box or panel on a wall that can be programmed to start at a specific day and time, and each zone in the landscape can also be programmed for a set number of minutes. As an example, knowing that zone 1 is downhill from zone 2, zone 1 can run for a shorter time because it will benefit from the run off from zone 2. In addition, most are equipped with a sensor that will bypass the system altogether if there has been sufficient rainfall.
Now there are mobile phone apps that can initiate the process and even tie into the national weather service.
With drought areas, water conservation is a real issue. Smart irrigation technology makes it all simpler.
Leak Detectors
Somewhat like a smoke detector, these devices are placed in areas where a leak is most likely to happen. When a leak is detected, the homeowner is alerted. In this way a flood is averted, small leaks can be detected earlier and repaired while the cost is minimal.
Touchless Faucet
You have probably encountered these in public restrooms. A sensor lets the faucet know when it needs to run. In the home, many touchless faucets are being installed in kitchens, even more than bathrooms. Obviously the major issue here is hygiene. Secondarily is convenience and also beneficial in homes with small children or older adults.
There are a lot of new gadgets and electronics now available including smart toilets (and touchless toilets), smart showers, smart water heaters, and Bluetooth shower heads (so you can be connected to your mobile device at all times). Some of these are merely for convenience but many offer money saving options. When you consider upgrading, look into what is new.