Tips from a Master Plumber on How to Repair a Bathtub Overflow Drain Leak

Jan 31, 2023

Have you noticed any signs of water leaking into your house? You may have noticed that water stains are starting to show up on your wall or ceiling. If this is the case, then the source of the leak could be your tub. If left unchecked, it can cause water damage, spreading mildew and mold in your house.

To prevent costly repairs, look for indications of leaking from your bathtub and pinpoint where the issue originates as quickly as you can. Suppose you discover that your bathtub drain is to blame for the leak. In that case, you’ll have to figure out whether the leak originates from the drain overflow or your waste drainage.

What’s the Cause of My Bathtub Overflow Leak in the Drain?

Suppose you notice the leak in your bathtub from the drain overflow. Most times, damaged gaskets that help seal the drain’s overflow cause water leakage from behind your bathtub. In that case, it is essential to determine the reason before resolving it.

Gaskets are the black rubber rings that surround the drain hole. As the material gets degraded over time and the seal is compromised, it can cause which causes water to leak and may cause water damage. Fortunately, most of the time, it’s just a matter of replacing the damaged or worn gasket.

To seal your drain and stop further leaks from causing damage to your home, follow our easy five-step guidelines.

The Equipment Used to Seal Bathtub Drains

You’ll need a few standard tools if you want to try closing your bathtub overflow drain at home:

  • Utility knife/scraper
  • Screwdriver
  • Gaskets for overflow

5 Steps to the Sealing Bathtub Overflow Drain

Once you’ve put the essential components together, you’re ready to start working on the repairs to stop your bathtub’s overflow drain leak.

1: Disconnect the Drain Plate

Use a knife or scraper of any caulk from the overflow drain plate if needed. Remove the screws that hold this plate onto the tub’s wall. If there aren’t any screws, remove them by placing the thumbs on the bottom of the dish and pressing them upwards.

If your bathtub is old, be cautious when removing the screws. They may snap, and you’ll have to replace the overflow plate. The drain pipe for the overflow is now exposed. If an obstruction blocks an opening for draining, remove it with a screwdriver’s help.

2. Examine the Overflow Pipe

Please look at the overflow pipe and ensure that you can move it slightly within the drain. It should permit you to use a screwdriver and carefully remove the gasket made of rubber from the pipe.

Contact a local plumber or us if you cannot remove the gasket as the pipe is too stiff. A plumber is likely to require the replacement of both the gasket and a part that is the pipe used to overflow.

3. Disconnect the Gasket That Seals Overflow

The gasket can get removed by pulling it out using your hands. If you need to, use a screwdriver to lift the pipe slightly and create a gap between your drain and the tub when you take it out. Suppose the line cannot get pulled out using your fingers. In that case, a screwdriver could occasionally be helpful to remove it gently.

Check the gasket. If the gasket is dry-rotted or damaged, you’ve likely found the cause of your bathtub’s overflow drain leak. Check the circumference of the overflow pipe, and then clean any remaining debris off the gasket using a paper cloth or rag.

4: Replace the Gasket for Overflow

The new gasket should be placed on its side to check whether it gets shaped. It will let you know the best way to install it. Place the gasket in place and center it inside the drain hole. If the gasket has beveled, the thin portion will be able to fit over the top of the drain, and the thicker gets placed on the bottom. Use the gasket to hold it in its place using the fingers of your hands as you press the perimeter of the drainage hole until you have an impermeable seal.

The gasket needs to be neatly placed around the circumference of the pipe and aligned with the drain pipe. There should not be any gaps. It may take some time to place the gasket correctly. Don’t use any tool or object to assist you in securing the gasket. There is a chance of piercing holes into the gasket, leaving you with a tub that is still leaky.

5: Reattach the Overflow  Drain Plate

Attach the bracket, put it over the drain hole, and fix it with screws. It will pull the pipe overflowing forward to compress the gasket, resulting in a water-tight seal. Attach the overflow plate using the screwdriver, ensuring that the slit in the side of the plate is downwards.

The water is diverted to the overflow drain once the water level reaches the level of the plate. The plate should get tightened, but be cautious not to draw it too much.

After successfully resealing the overflow drain, check to verify that you have fixed the leak by filling the bathtub slightly beyond the overflow plate and then examining the spot where you first noticed water that was accumulating.

If the leakage continues, you might need to replace the waste and overflow drain assembly or reseal/repair the waste drain. It would help if you started there because fixing the waste drain is more straightforward than replacing the entire drain system.

If you need more thorough leak detection and repair solutions or are looking for a reliable plumber in Ottawa, call us at (613) 317-1682 or email us at to reach Ottawa Plumbing Service.

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