You don’t need to face frozen or burst pipes in the winter months. A pipeline that bursts can create thousands of destruction to your house. Keep these tips in mind to prevent freezing (or shot) pipes this winter when the temperatures drop.
Open Your Doors
If the doors get opened and the warm air circulating throughout your home spreads, keeping your lines at a lower temperature makes them less susceptible to freezing. It applies to your bathroom doors as well as cabinet doors. Suppose the cabinet doors are closed, and you have pipes (water pipes) situated on an exterior surface. In that case, the cabinet acts as an air conditioner. The cold air will get kept out, and eventually, it could lead to a frozen pipe. Similar principles apply to the doors in your bathroom.
Leave Your Faucet Dripping
If the lines are on exterior walls and the faucets are on outside walls, you should leave them dripping to keep the flow in the pipe and prevent freezing. If you own a dual handle faucet, we suggest not going hot water drip. You might be wondering why? Hot water can freeze quicker than colder water. If you leave that hot side drippy and dripping, you’re reducing the likelihood that the water will freeze. If you’re using a single-handle faucet, keep the temperature between the two to ensure that both lines are running.
Clean Up Your Snowdrifts
It is particularly relevant when you own an electric furnace or water heater. The exhaust pipes usually go out of the side of your house. In winter, when snow is everywhere, the drifts may pile over the exterior of homes. These exhaust pipes are abrasion-resistant. If they are covered, the furnace or the water heater will stop working, leaving you with no heat or water. If your drainpipe is blocked, ensure you get it cleared as quickly as possible. If the unit has already shut down, when you clean the pipe, most teams will restart independently (depending on the number of attempts they made to run before closing down). If they don’t, you could need to press the reset button on your unit’s settings.
Be aware of these points when temperatures drop and you’re leaving home to work, for a weekend getaway, or traveling. These easy steps can save you from major problems and thousands of damages.
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