Do you need help with your shower? We’ve listed the most frequent problems we see in the following article and have provided ways to solve these issues on your own and let you know when it’s time to put down the towel and contact a plumber.
Leaky Shower
If there is a leak in the shower, it could be due to one of the following issues: the showerhead or door or damaged water pipes. If the leak is in the wall adjacent to the shower, it is likely to be an issue with caulking. It is possible to resolve this by purchasing sealant at the local hardware store, but make sure you check that it’s the correct type of caulking. This issue can be more extensive and get caused by water leaks through the flooring. It can result from a leak or deterioration in the pan and lining underneath the shower floor. If this is the situation, you’ll have to bring an expert plumber to determine the issue and possibly replace the shower enclosure.
If your showerhead is leaky, it could be due to connecting to the line. It can be easy to fix but requires an experienced plumber to visit and determine the issue. Suppose pipes are leaky into the wall cavity. In that case, it gets advised to call the plumber as soon as possible since this may indicate more significant problems.
Shower Pressure
If your more significant pressure decreases, It could be a simple fix. The first step is to inspect the shower head. Shower heads can be prone to an accumulation of lime deposits which can hinder the flow of water correctly. It could mean a quick cleaning of the aerator on the shower head, or if this does not work, you should consider purchasing the shower head and replacing it. If washing the shower head doesn’t help, then it’s a good idea to examine the pressure of your water throughout the home. There could be a bigger problem than your shower pressure. You might have to contact a plumber’s services to inspect your home’s plumbing.
Drainage Clogs
If you have a blockage within your shower drain, you could find that the water is coming close to the shower or making it easier to slide. It is the first thing to do cleaning out the drain using products for cleaning the drain. Once you’ve poured these chemicals into the channel, ensure you run hot water through the sink for 10 minutes to flush the chemicals out of the track. If the chemicals don’t perform the task, try pouring a mix of around a cup of vinegar and baking soda into the drain. If all this isn’t working, it’s time for a plumber to look into the issue.
Have you observed any unidentified leaks or other problems near your shower? It gets recommended to call a plumber as soon as possible.
Whatever your plumbing requirements are, from an easy or complicated emergency repair to installing bathtubs and showers that are brand new, it is possible to trust the helpful, skilled professionals of Ottawa Plumbing Service.
Call our trusted Ottawa plumbers today at (613) 317-1682 or email us at