Household Appliance Hookups
Plumbing Services
Wouldn’t you choose an installer that you would trust in installation of new appliances?
Working with professionals will help save money and quickly put new appliances to work.
New appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines that are hooked to water sources and should be installed properly to guarantee their proper working. No homeowner will want to be flooded as a result of a bad hook up to the water source.
Ottawa Plumbing Service has worked on numerous installation projects for water-using appliances. Our professional and friendly staff will know exactly how to fix your appliances to ensure that they are working quickly without any hiccups or safety issues within the home.
The following is a list of appliances that we help homeowners to install:
Hot water distribution systems
Instantaneous water heaters
Refrigerators and ice dispensers
Sump pumps
Washing machines
Waste disposers
Water filtration and treatment systems
Choose the best - Choose Ottawa Plumbing Service
Choose Ottawa Plumbing Service for household appliances hookup. You will be working with highly qualified professionals who are friendly and exemplary.
Call Ottawa Plumbing Service
on (613) 317-1682 or drop us an email.